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Image of a growing vortex in a pool of water created by a droplet. This growing vortex conveys the theme of this poem title Empty Fulfillment
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Empty Fulfillment

A quickly expanding void torments my existence, like a dark shadow haunting my thoughts. Fighting for possession of my will, it eats at me, leaving me lost yet feeling incredibly alive and freed.
A man dives into a pool, embracing the depths, as if surrendering to the unknown, in the context of the poem Into The Deep.
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Into The Deep

How does a dance with insanity feel? Hypothetically, if you were to be… would it be romantic and…
A vibrant pink flower bed adorned with numerous delicate flowers, creating a picturesque scene. Poem: Insta Crush.
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Insta Crush

Of those I've seen, you are the most intriguing. A beauty among beauties, effortlessly alluring. Your golden glow, curly locks, and intoxicating curves captivate, hinting at the genuine you.