In “Deadly Secrets and Dangerous Desires” Part 5 of “The Bloody Tulip,” the tension escalates as Olivia’s suspicions about Ayuna intensify. A chilling encounter at Gabriel’s apartment reveals the cracks in Ayuna’s façade, hinting at darker secrets lurking beneath. As Olivia’s intuition screams danger, she vows to uncover the truth, driven by an inexplicable need to protect her best friend. Meanwhile, a shocking twist in the Bloody Tulip’s killing spree adds a new layer of mystery. With the killer’s motives shifting and the body count rising, the race to unravel the truth becomes more urgent than ever. The countdown begins as the killer’s true identity hangs in the balance.

Echoes of the Bloody Tulip

Driving home, Olivia was in deep thought, her mind out of control with floating images of Gabriel and Ayuna. To distract herself from obsessing over them, she turns on her favorite crime podcast.

[Podcast plays on the radio]

Welcome to the UGC podcast, where we find the things truly happening in the Dark. 

“Today we have a special episode for you folks.”

“The bloody Tulip has struck again, John. But this time, there is a twist. Before she only killed men, but her last victim was female. What do you think caused this change?

“Phil, I don’t know man. Who knows what goes on in the mind of a psychopath but a psychopath? But if I was to guess, maybe her killings are sexually charged, that’s probably how she finds her victims.” 

“Come on, John, you psychopath. Are you saying that she is now taking home chics to sleep with and then kill? Something about that sounds a little sexy to be honest.”

“That’s just because you’re insane, Phil.” 

“I wouldn’t call it insane, I just appreciate these women.”

“Appreciate, sure. But we both remember Winny the Wican ”

“Oh yeah, she was hot.” 

“Yes, really hot. So hot she was about to sacrifice you to her high priestess by boiling you alive. You’re lucky I fucking found you in time.” 

“Well, John. I didn’t say she didn’t have her flaws.

“Phil, whatever rocks your boat man, or sinks it.”

“Hey, you know me; no risk, no reward baby. So back to this Bloody Tulip bit, you really think these killings are all sexually motivated?”

“According to my source, it looks that way. All the previous victims had sex just before they died, and none had defense wounds.”

“That’s gnarly, John. Way to kick a guy while he’s drained, am I right?!.”

[John sighs]

“Phil, why do you say these things?”

[Phil chuckles]

“So what about the female, John, were there any signs she had sex?”

“Well, my source was a bit hush hush on this one. But, I was able to find out that there was a vibrator left on the nightstand, so someone was having fun.” 

“That’s wild stuff, John. Who knows, this Bloody Tulip may be my next ex-girlfriend, and it sounds like she might let me bring a friend.”

“Phil, you do understand that this is why my wife doesn’t like me hanging out with you.”

“Come on, you two love me.”

“One more question before we take a quick break, John. We’re assuming this is a woman, couldn’t this very well be a man?”

“I guess it could be, but none of the men showed signs of being penetrated.”

“Maybe they were doing the penetrating”

[Awkward pause]

“You know, Phil, I guess we can’t rule that out yet, can we. But what then would be the motive, is the killer ashamed after having sex with these men? Then there’s the Tulip.” 

“So many questions, folks, but so little time. John and I are going to stretch our legs here, then we’ll be back to shed some light on the dark deeds of the bloody tulip…right after this quick break.”

Olivia got home to her apartment, the emptiness filling the air like humidity on a hot summer day. To dull the loudness of the silence, she retreats back to her podcast.

“Hey Alexa, play The UGC Podcast, episode 5”

(Alexa) “Playing the Underground Crime podcast, episode 5”

With the UGC podcast playing in the background, Olivia quickly fills Dexter’s bowls, undresses, and slips into her pajamas, cuddling up on the sofa with a glass of red wine for her nightly sip and listen.

The voice of John discussing the latest murder by the Bloody Tulip filled the room, sending shivers down her spine. This twisted killer had taken another life, but this time, it was a woman. Olivia couldn’t help but wonder what could have led to this change in the psychopath’s pattern.

As the podcast hosts speculated about the motivations behind the killings, Olivia’s thoughts drifted to Gabriel and Ayuna.

They had grown closer in the past weeks, and she couldn’t deny the pang of jealousy that gnawed at her. Olivia brought Gabriel to Dr. Hartman to fix his heart, but instead, it seems she ended up capturing it.

Why was she even feeling like this, why did it eat at her so much? Before now, she and Gabriel were nothing but childhood friends. Maybe almost losing the person who knows her more than anyone made Olivia realize something she hadn’t before.

As Tuesday evening approached, Gabriel felt conflicted. He had made plans with Olivia to go bowling, just like they have been since they were kids. But there was Ayuna, with her mesmerizing eyes and comforting presence, slowly pulling Gabriel ever further in.

“Gabriel,” Ayuna began, her voice laced with concern, “I’ve been looking at your medical records, and I think it’s best if you take it easy for a while. Bowling might be too strenuous for your heart right now.”

Gabriel frowned, feeling torn. He understood that Ayuna only had his best interests at heart, but he couldn’t help but feel a twinge of disappointment. “But I feel great, and Olivia was really looking forward to it. Plus, it’s been a while since she and I hung out together.”

Ayuna approached him, placing a gentle hand on his shoulder. “I know it’s hard, Gabriel. But your health is the most important thing right now. I’m sure Olivia understands that.”

Reluctantly, Gabriel called Olivia to cancel their bowling plans.

Olivia’s voice filled with disappointment, “But Gabe, we always bowl on Tuesday nights. It’s our tradition. Don’t let your girlfriend come between us.”

Gabriel sighed, feeling caught in the middle. He didn’t blame Olivia for being upset, but Ayuna had become such a significant part of his life. “I promise I’ll make it up to you, Liv. She’s just concerned. We can all have dinner together this weekend, okay?”

Tangled Hearts and Loyalties

Olivia reluctantly agreed, unable to shake the nagging feeling that Ayuna was intentionally creating distance between them.

The weekend crept in, all three in anticipation of different versions of the night.

Gabriel was anxious for what could be a night of covert refereeing between the two women who held significant places in his life. One who knows him more than he knows himself, and the other who has literally held his heart in her hands.

In a world of perfection, tonight would be flawless. But Gabriel knew that in their stark reality, shadows lurk at every corner, ready to twist their plans into unforeseen chaos.

“If only” Gabriel mumbled, thinking out loud.

“What, babe?” Ayuna paused, shifting her attention to Gabriel.

“Nothing, love. Do you need me to do anything?”

“No, baby. I told you I took care of everything. The restaurant is expecting us at 8:30. I got us an amazing table, and I used your phone to text Olivia the details. See, all covered”

“Ok, sounds like you went full Captain Marvel.” Gabriel said, smiling at Ayuna, the two sharing a moment.

“I guess I’ll just go in the back and take a quick nap before we have to leave,” a big yawn engulfing the end of his sentence.

“That sounds like an amazing idea, babe. I’ll finish a couple of things, and then wake you in about an hour.” Ayuna replied, her voice soft with compassion and consideration.

The Serpent’s Embrace

As she watched Gabriel disappear into the back room, Ayuna found herself ensnared in a web of apprehension, her mind a battlefield of conflicting emotions.

Beneath her composed facade, a simmering unease churned, fueled by the looming threat of Olivia’s suspicions. Yet, buried even deeper, lay a primal instinct—a fierce determination to protect what she had fought so hard to claim.

With meticulous precision, Ayuna orchestrated every aspect of the evening, obsessively planning each detail to exert control over their night. Every element was carefully curated to manipulate the atmosphere to her advantage.

But amidst the cover of hospitality and warmth Ayuna had planned, she harbored a darker agenda.

Deep down, she yearned to weaken the connection Olivia had with Gabriel, to cement her own place in his life before Olivia had the chance to unravel her carefully tailored life.

As Ayuna thoroughly reviewed her patients’ charts, ensuring no unexpected surprises would disrupt her meticulously planned evening, her thoughts swirled with determination and calculation.

Tonight was more than just a dinner—it was a battleground, a strategic maneuver in a high-stakes game of power and control.


» Brace yourself for The Bloody Tulip Part 7, “A Taste of Deception“, where every bite could be your last

In the next pulse-pounding installment of “The Bloody Tulip,” a seemingly innocent dinner turns into a deadly game of cat and mouse. As Ayuna’s carefully constructed facade begins to crack under Olivia’s relentless scrutiny, Gabriel finds himself caught in a web of lies and half-truths.

With each course served, the tension mounts. Innocent appetizers become potential weapons, and casual conversation masks a battle of wits. As Olivia inches closer to uncovering the truth, Ayuna’s desperation reaches new heights, forcing her to make split-second decisions that could expose her darkest secrets.

Will Olivia’s instincts lead her to the truth before it’s too late? Can Gabriel see through the veil of deception surrounding him? And what lengths will Ayuna go to in order to keep her secrets buried?

Prepare for a gripping tale of suspicion, betrayal, and hidden agendas that will leave you questioning every smile, every gesture, and every bite. The truth is about to be served… but at what cost?

Don’t miss this thrilling chapter in the Bloody Tulip saga. Subscribe now to ensure you don’t miss a single, heart-stopping moment!

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