In the chilling tenth chapter of The Bloody Tulip, “Whispers from the Past.” Dr. Ayuna Hartman’s carefully constructed world begins to unravel. At a charity gala, tensions simmer beneath the surface as Olivia’s suspicions grow and Talia, Ayuna’s enigmatic sister, enters the fray.

Olivia’s relentless pursuit of truth leads her down treacherous paths, uncovering shocking connections that blur the lines between past and present. Meanwhile, Ayuna finds herself haunted by shadows she thought long buried, her composure cracking under the weight of hidden secrets.

In a heart-stopping moment, a voice from the darkness confronts Ayuna, promising a reckoning that threatens everything she’s built. As the whispers of the past grow into a deafening roar, the stage is set for a confrontation that will change everything. The Bloody Tulip’s petals unfurl, revealing a heart of darkness that threatens to consume all in its path.

Echoes of Innocence Lost

Ayuna took a deep breath, her heart frozen in stasis, as she turned to face her resurfaced past. The moment her eyes met Dima’s, a flood of memories crashed over her.

Suddenly, she was a child again, golden hair streaming behind her as she ran through a dense Virginia forest. The hollow of an old tree enveloped her, giggles stifled as she waited for Dima to find her. Dima’s laughter echoed through the trees as they played hide-and-seek.

Then, strange noises filled the air – twigs snapping, leaves rustling. When Dima finally found her, worry creased her friend’s face.

“I thought I saw someone else out here… watching us,” Dima whispered, fear lacing her words.

“Stop trying to scare me,” Ayuna replied, their eyes locked in dual contemplation. As they hurried back, unfamiliar footprints in the mud sent a chill down her spine.

In an instant, the innocence shattered and the memory faded, replaced by the sterile hospital corridor and a predatory gaze. Ayuna found herself back in the sterile hospital corridor, staring into those same heterochromic eyes, one blue and one green, – now older, harder, but unmistakably Dima’s.

“Dima,” Ayuna breathed, her voice barely audible. She felt the familiar stirring inside her, the monster she’d fought so hard to subdue clawing at its cage. Her angelic facade threatened to crack under the weight of her past suddenly reappearing in her present.

“I’ve missed you, my dear friend,” Dima purred, a predatory smile playing on her lips.

“You can’t be here,” Ayuna hissed, her carefully constructed persona cracking.

Dima’s lips curled into a smile of dark delight, her heterochromic eyes glinting with malice. ‘Oh, but I am. And I’m not going anywhere… not until we finish what we started.”

Ayuna’s mind raced. She felt caught off guard, her back to a corner. She needed to get away, to protect the life she’d built. “I can’t do this now,” she said with unease, her eyes darting anxiously down the shadowy expanse of the corridor.

Dima’s hand shot out, gripping Ayuna’s wrist. “You can’t run from who you are, Ayuna. I’m here to remind you.”

Wrenching her arm free, Ayuna hurried away, Ayuna hurried away, her heart pounding a frantic rhythm. Each echoing footstep seemed to chase her through the labyrinthine hallways, the shadows of her past elongating, reaching out with ghostly fingers to drag her back into the abyss she’d fought so hard to escape.

Shadows Lurking in Sterile Halls

For days, Ayuna found herself trapped in a nightmarish game of cat and mouse, her nerves fraying with each passing hour. Dima’s presence seemed to permeate every corner of the hospital, a malevolent ghost haunting Ayuna’s every step. She’d catch glimpses of her in the hallways, always watching, always smiling that knowing smile.

Dima seemed to be everywhere – a glimpse of golden hair disappearing around a corner, the faint scent of a familiar perfume lingering in an empty room.

One afternoon, as Ayuna prepared for surgery, she opened her locker, a single red tulip fell out, its petals as vivid as fresh blood. Her vision blurred, memories of past horrors superimposing themselves over reality. For a moment, she could swear the tulip was dripping, leaving crimson stains on the sterile floor.

As she struggled to regain her composure, Gabriel’s voice startled her.

“Hey, you okay? You look like you’ve seen a ghost,” he said, concern etching his features.

Ayuna plastered on a smile, tucking the tulip out of sight. “Just pre-surgery jitters. Nothing to worry about.”

Gabriel nodded, but his eyes narrowed slightly.

“So what are you doing here,” Ayuna asked with rushed curiosity, hoping Gabriel wouldn’t notice the wired look she was trying to subdue.

“I brought you lunch. I was nearby meeting a client and thought you might be hungry.” He smiled warmly, holding out the takeout bag with a flourish. “It’s your favorite—sushi and that spicy miso soup you love.”

“That’s so sweet, Gabriel. I am pretty hungry, actually. But I’m heading into surgery in a few minutes, I’ll have to rush a few bites before.”

“Okay, I understand,” Gabriel said, his smile hinting at something deeper. “I just wanted to make sure you didn’t go the entire day without eating.” His eyes lingered, silently wishing they had just ten minutes to slip away to his car.

“By the way, have you noticed the new cleaning lady?” Gabriel asked, his eyes narrowing thoughtfully. “Well, new to me anyways. There’s something about her that’s strikingly familiar…”

Ayuna’s heart skipped a beat. “Familiar?”

“Yeah, she’s blonde, the same height and frame as you. It’s almost uncanny—you two look so much alike, I had to do a double take.” His gaze lingered on her, clearly intrigued.

Before Ayuna could respond, the intercom crackled with urgency. “Dr. Hartman to OR 3, stat.”

As she rushed away, relief and dread warred within her. She’d avoided discovery for now, but for how long? With Dima so close, how long before her carefully constructed world came crashing down? Would this ruin all she’s built and fought so hard far?

Rounding the corner, Ayuna’s heart nearly stopped. There stood Dima, a wolf in sheep’s clothing, dressed in hospital custodial attire. Her cleaning cart was positioned to block the hallway – a silent barrier between Ayuna and escape.

“Careful, Doctor,” Dima said, voice dripping with false concern. “We wouldn’t want any… accidents.”

As Dima’s words hung in the air, Ayuna realized with growing horror that her past wasn’t just catching up to her – it was fighting to reattach itself.

Before Ayuna could finish her worried thought, she heard Gabriel calling, jogging to her. As Gabriel’s footsteps echoed closer, Ayuna found herself trapped between her past and present. Dima’s eyes glinted with malicious amusement, clearly relishing Ayuna’s predicament. “Well, doctor,” Dima whispered, just low enough for Ayuna to hear, “shall we introduce your boyfriend to the real you?”

Jealousy’s Blade

At the last second, Dima ducked down a nearby corridor to prevent being seen, pressing herself against the wall, her heart racing. She peered around the corner, watching as Gabriel caught up with Ayuna.

“Hey, I forgot to ask,” Gabriel said, gently taking Ayuna’s hand into his. “Are we still on for dinner tonight?”

Ayuna nodded, her smile warm but tinged with anxiety. “Of course. I’ll meet you at eight.”

Hearing this, Gabriel smiled and leaned in to give Ayuna a quick kiss before letting her go. As Gabriel’s lips brushed Ayuna’s cheek, Dima’s vision flashed red. Her grip on the mop handle tightened until the wood creaked in protest, threatening to splinter under the force of her rage.

The easy familiarity between them, the way Gabriel’s eyes softened when he looked at Ayuna – it all made Dima’s blood boil.

As Ayuna hurried away to answer the urgent call, Dima silently emerged from the corridor, still obscured from sight. Her eyes, cold as winter frost and sharp as surgical steel, followed Ayuna’s retreating form before settling on Gabriel, who still stood in the hallway, gaze lingering on Ayuna. In that moment, he ceased to be a person in her eyes – he became a target, an obstacle to be eliminated with clinical precision.

Turning to leave, Gabriel thought he saw something quickly disappear around the corner. “I really hate hospitals, even in the daytime it’s creepy here.”

As Gabriel walked away, Dima silently shadowed him, keeping just out of sight. She memorized his gait, his mannerisms, the schedule scribbled in the planner he absent-mindedly flipped through. Knowledge was power, and Dima intended to hold all the cards in this deadly game.

As she mindlessly pushed the mop, Dima’s thoughts spiraled into darkness. Memories of past ‘removals’ flickered through her mind – the thrill of the hunt, the rush of power, the intoxicating scent of fear. Her lips curled into a cruel smile. Perhaps it was time to indulge in old habits. This Gabriel, was a complication she hadn’t anticipated. He represented everything Ayuna had built in her absence – a life, a love, a future that didn’t include her.

With a final glance at Gabriel, as he walked out of the hospital, Dima disappeared down the opposite end of the hallway, leaving only the faint scent of cleaning solution and the echo of her footsteps behind.

Resuming her cleaning, Dima’s jealousy festered, transforming into a dangerous resolve. She wouldn’t let anyone, especially not this man, stand between her and Ayuna. After all, she and Ayuna shared a bond forged in blood and secrets – a bond that no outsider could ever understand or break.

This man, this Gabriel, was more than just an obstacle – he was the key to reclaiming what was rightfully hers. Dima’s eyes gleamed with dark anticipation. Soon, Ayuna would remember who she truly was, who she belonged with. And if that reminder needed to be written in Gabriel’s blood… well, red had always been their favorite color.

She and Ayuna had overcome far greater challenges in the past and what was one more body between friends?

» Part 12 approaches: Darkness descends, unleashing a storm of betrayal. Hearts race, truths unravel. The past demands its due.

Don’t miss the next intense installment—subscribe now and be ready for the shocking twists on 9/22!

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