Dear Life,

I miss my innocence,
The absent bliss.
I sit and reminisce,
On when love felt limitless.
But now, my heart screams,
Starved and cynical.

I hope my words aren’t misread,
The truth behind them, not misinterpreted.
I still love, love.
One part “just fuck it”,
Another part, “give me more”.
Lately, I live in the former,
Feeling weighed down, heavy…
Not normal.

Love’s embrace is my safest place,
My inspiration, my best self.
But how can a fortress feel safe,
When its walls weaken and fade?

I don’t know the answer.
How could I?
I’ve nearly lost faith,
Something I wish weren’t true.
But it is.

Now, an empty voyage,
Sailing towards treasure,
Nowhere near the wealth I’ve known,
Riches indescribable.
No accumulated wealth can compare…
I hope to rediscover it.

A Hopeful Cynic


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