In Part 1 of “The Bloody Tulip,” Olivia anxiously waits as Gabriel undergoes emergency surgery. Dr. Hartman’s skill saves him, but hidden emotions and secrets surface between the trio. Gabriel’s recovery sets the stage for unexpected drama and entangled relationships. What secrets will unravel next in Part 2? Let’s find out…

Awakening Bonds

Hours later, Dr. Hartman emerged from the operating room, her face pale and exhausted. The waiting room was filled with anxious faces, but she sought out Olivia, who clung to hope like a lifeline.

“Gabriel is fine,” Dr. Hartman announced, her voice filled with both relief and weariness. “The surgery was successful, and he’s in recovery now.”

Olivia’s eyes welled with tears, a mix of gratitude and relief. She hugged Dr. Hartman tightly, thanking her for saving Gabriel’s life. As they shared a moment of intense emotion, Dr. Hartman couldn’t help but feel a pang of vindication beneath the surface.

Unconsciousness held Gabriel captive for two long days after his surgery. As the sun began to set on the horizon, casting a warm glow into his hospital room, Gabriel slowly blinked his eyes open. His gaze fell onto Olivia, who hadn’t left the hospital for a minute since she arrived. She looked tired but relieved, her hand gently clasping his.

“Hey,” Gabriel whispered, his voice fragile yet filled with gratitude.

Olivia smiled, her eyes shining with unshed tears. “Hey yourself. You scared me, you know? I thought I lost you.”

“Come on, Liv. You should know you can’t get rid of me that easily.”

As they exchanged a heartfelt glance, an unspoken understanding lingered in the air. Just then, Dr. Hartman entered the room, breaking the sacred moment between them.

“Gabriel, I’m glad to see you awake,” she said, a mix of professionalism and tenderness in her tone. “You’ve made remarkable progress. And Olivia, she hasn’t left your side for one minute.”

“That’s my Liv. We promised each other when we were kids to always be there until the end.” Gabriel said, his gaze shifting from Dr. Hartman to Olivia.

In that moment, he felt the realization dawning on him. Perhaps their friendship held the possibility of something deeper, a connection they had never explored before. Silent but filled with unspoken questions, their connection was undeniable. It was obvious, why had they never made that step?

As if hearing the unspoken words the two were sharing, Dr. Hartman interjected, breaking the tension. “But remember, Gabriel, your recovery is not complete yet. Take your time, give yourself the chance to heal fully.”

“Olivia, I think you should head home and get some rest.” Dr. Hartman continued.

“You must be exhausted. I’m going to run a few tests on Gabriel, and then have him do the same. I promise I’ll take good care of him.”

Intimate Revelations

Olivia reluctantly released Gabriel’s hand, her gaze lingering on him for a moment longer before she turned to leave.

As the door closed behind Olivia, Dr. Hartman sat on the edge of the bed, her eyes fixed on Gabriel. To his surprise, she leaned closer, her lips meeting his in a passionate kiss. Gabriel’s mind reeled with confusion, his body frozen in a state of shock.

“I thought we should finish where we left off,” Dr. Hartman whispered, her breath caressing his ear.

Gabriel’s mind flickered to a flashback, reminding him of the moments they had shared before his cardiac event had interrupted their almost-kiss.

His new heart raced, torn between the memories of Olivia’s unwavering presence and the sudden intimacy with Dr. Hartman.

He could feel all the emotions of his recent past beaming back. Over the last few months being treated by Dr. Hartman, he had slowly developed what he thought were the kindlings of love.

“Ayuna, I…,” Before Gabriel could finish his thought, Dr. Hartman leaned in, passionately kissing him once again.

“What is this feeling? I’ve had strong sexual feelings for someone before, but this is not only that. It’s something different, something more.” Dr Hartman’s thoughts swirled like a whirlwind, toppling everything else in her mind.

“His lips, the way they kiss mine. The way the sound of his breathing slows mine down, and then his touch sets all of me on fire. Is this what it means to feel… to love?” Her palms cupped Gabriel’s head, pulling him even closer into the kiss as if trying to fuse both of their lips.

Olivia stepped off the elevator, taking calm controlled strides toward the lobby entrance. Feeling tired but a lot calmer having regained her composure now that Gabriel was ok.

Then there is that. What was that look that they shared, as if they both realized something for the first time at the exact same moment?

[“whoosh”, automatic doors open]

“Damn, I forgot my scarf.” She hurriedly retraced her steps, heading back to Gabriel’s room, hoping to retrieve it unnoticed. As she held the handle to the door and was about to enter, she froze in her tracks, her eyes widening at the sight through the door’s small window.

Silent Betrayal

There, in the dimly lit room, Dr. Hartman and Gabriel sat close together on the hospital bed. Their lips pressed against each other, consumed by a passionate kiss.

Olivia’s hand covered her mouth, choking back a gasp, as her emotions churned within her.

A surge of hurt flooded Olivia’s veins. She knew Gabriel and her were only friends, yet this intimate moment shattered her understanding. Questions swirled in her mind, each one a painful dart hitting her wounded heart. A moment of a thousand deaths.

Olivia couldn’t bear to watch any longer. Silently, she backed away from the door, unnoticed by the oblivious couple.

Outside the room, Olivia leaned against the wall, struggling to contain her tears as the realization washed over her. She felt a sharp pang of heartache, but a voice inside her told her she didn’t have the right to feel betrayed.

Her mind raced with thoughts. Was Gabriel seeing Dr. Hartman? And if so, what did that mean for their friendship? Did Olivia have feelings for Gabriel that she had yet to acknowledge? Confusion and pain entangled her heart.

Refusing to face them, Olivia decided to leave the hospital without seeing Gabriel, and without either of them seeing her. She couldn’t bear to confront him about what she had witnessed, fearing the answers she might get. In her mind, it was easier to retreat than to confront the truth head-on, at least for now.

Meanwhile, Dr. Hartman, walking back to her office having left Gabriel’s room, a mix of emotions flooding her thoughts. Her heart thumped against her chest as she struggled to make sense of the overwhelming feelings growing within her.

Ayuna couldn’t deny the attraction she felt toward Gabriel. He was like a magnetic force pulling her in, stirring a longing and a desire she’d never felt. Conflicted, she wondered if she was jeopardizing her reputation as a surgeon, and the discovery of her secret…

» Continue the Blood Tulip story with Part 3: Tangled Secrets


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