In their last installment, “Hunted to the Brink: The Adventures of Griffin & Karen EP 2 Part 3,” our intrepid scientists faced their greatest challenge yet. Their attempt to reverse aging in Tony the tiger backfired, transforming him into a monstrous, unstoppable beast. As explosions rocked the island and time ran out, Griffin and Karen barely escaped with their lives, witnessing Tony’s final roar as the island sank beneath the waves. The nightmare seemed over, but what new dangers and challenges await them next? Get ready for the thrilling continuation of their adventure in the next installment!

Their story continues here…

Adrift in Danger

Well, another bang-up job by Griffin and Karen. Their experiment went from zero to explosion in record time. If the authorities found out, they’d be locked up faster than you can say “orange jumpsuit.” But lady luck obviously has a greater plan for these two, because as fate would have it, the problem blew up itself.

Griffin and Karen stood on the back of the boat, watching as Jim Hung-lo’s private island was engulfed in massive explosions. The force of the blast rocked the boat, sending waves crashing against the hull.

Karen wrapped her arms around Griffin’s waist, tears streaming down her face. “I can’t believe this happened, Griffin. All those people…Tony… The entire island, gone in an instant.”

Griffin turned to her, his expression resolute. “We’ll find a way to make it back home, Karen. We’ll pick up the pieces and start over.”

Karen shook her head, her voice barely above a whisper. “But how? Our lives were in shambles and Hung-lo was our way out. This was how we were going to put the pieces back together.”

Griffin squeezed her hand, his eyes scanning the horizon. “We’ll figure it out, Karen. We always do.”

Karen sniffled, wiping away her tears. “But this is different, Griffin. Look at all of this. If we could have only found the serum sooner, we could have prevented all of it. And gotten our lives back.”

Griffin leaned in, his voice low and urgent. “We have to focus on what we can control. We’re alive, and we have each other. That’s all that matters right now.”

Karen nodded, taking a deep breath. “You’re right, Griffin. We have to keep moving forward.”

As the boat continued on its journey, Griffin and Karen huddled together, their minds racing with questions and uncertainties. But through it all, they held onto each other, their love and determination the only constant in a world that seemed to be falling apart.

The Thorny Devil The Adventures of Griffin & Karen - Stranded at sea on a boat

The sea was rough, and the winds were fierce, and they had no idea where they were headed, but they knew they had to keep going. They were survivors, after all. And whatever lay ahead, they were ready to face it together.

Universe: “Challenge accepted!” [Engine sputters and boat slows]

Griffin: “Oh, for fuck’s sake. Not now,” Griffin mutters to himself in a lethargic tone.

Karen: “What… what’s happening?” Karen says in a drowsy voice, shaken awake by the boat’s rapid deceleration.

Karen and Griffin were now floating aimlessly in the middle of the ocean, their boat’s engine had given out with no land in sight. Karen was cursing the universe for all its misfortunes, convinced that it was out to get them. “Of course, this is happening to us. First, our experiment turns hairless and goes boom, and now we’re stranded in the middle of nowhere. The universe is conspiring against us,” Karen lamented.

Griffin, on the other hand, was taking it all in stride. “Cheer up, Karen. At least we’re not being chased by a giant hairless tiger anymore,” he joked, trying to lighten the mood.

Karen rolled her eyes. “Yeah, that’s real funny, Griffin. We could be stuck here for hours or days, with no food or water. We could die out here!”

Griffin looked around and saw some birds flying overhead. “Hey, Karen, look at the bright side. We’re not the only ones out here. We’ve got some feathered friends keeping us company. Maybe one will let us eat them,” he said with a smirk.

Karen glared at him. “This is no time for jokes, Griffin.”

“It is always the time for jokes. They’re just sometimes not appropriate,” said Griffin, still trying to wipe the impish smile from his face.

“Don’t worry, babe. We’ll be fine,” Griffin said, trying to reassure her. “I’ve seen enough episodes of Survivor to know what to do.”

Karen looked at him skeptically. “I’m sure your survivor knowledge will be very helpful when we’re dying of thirst.”

Just when they thought all was lost, a group of local fishermen spotted them and came to their rescue. Karen and Griffin were elated to be saved, but Karen couldn’t help but wonder what else could go wrong.

“Well, that was fun,” Karen said sarcastically as they stepped onto the fisherman’s boat. “What’s next? Shark attack?”

Griffin laughed. “Oh come on, Karen. You know what they say: when life gives you lemons, make lemonade.”

Karen raised an eyebrow. “And what are we going to make with a bunch of fishermen?”

Griffin shrugged. “I don’t know, stew maybe. Look, at least we’re not stranded anymore. We’ll figure out our next move when we get to land.”

Journey to Guadalcanal

Griffin and Karen breathed a sigh of relief as they set foot on dry land, thanking the fishermen in their broken language. “Man, that was intense,” Griffin said, his voice trembling a bit.

Karen nodded in agreement. “I can’t believe we made it out of there alive. I swore the universe had us cornered. It really has it out for us, doesn’t it?”

Griffin chuckled. “Nah, it’s just fate’s way of keeping things interesting for us.”

As they walked through the dock, trying to find their bearings, a man with a deep Aussie accent called out to them. “Hey there, you lot look like you’re lost. Need some help?”

Griffin and Karen turned to face the man, relieved to see a friendly face. “Yeah, we’re kind of lost,” Griffin admitted. “We were just rescued by some local fishermen, but we don’t know where we are or how to get back home.”

The man introduced himself as Bruce and offered to take them out on his boat for a tour of the area. “My mates and I were just about to head back to Sydney, but we’ve got some time to kill. Come on board, I’ll show you around.”

Griffin and Karen couldn’t believe their luck. It seemed like fate had finally decided to cut them a break. They eagerly followed Bruce onto his boat, excited to see where their adventure would take them next.

“So where are we anyways, Bruce?” Griffin said curiously to his new friend.

“Aye mate, you’re in Guadalcanal, a historical World War 2 site. Bloody beautiful place, aye. You’re a bit far from home, ain’t ya?” Bruce replied with a thick Aussie accent, grinning at Griffin.

The Thorny Devil The Adventures of Griffin and Karen - Guadalcanal Solomon Islands

“Yes, you could say that,” Griffin replied, checking out the large knife he now noticed hanging from the Aussie’s hip.

Bruce sat back down in the captain’s chair and started the engine. “Alright, we’ll go out for a quick tour of the island once my two friends get back with the drinks,” he said, looking back at Griffin and Karen.

Griffin cleared his throat. “Actually, Bruce, we were hoping you could take us back to Sydney with you,” he said.

Bruce raised an eyebrow. “Sydney? What brings ya here, mate?” he asked.

Karen elbowed Griffin in the ribs. “Oh, we’re just scientists,” Griffin said quickly. “We came to consult on some research for a friend. It didn’t turn out as expected, so we decided to leave.”

Bruce looked at them skeptically. “Is that so?” he said, his accent thickening.

Griffin felt his face turning red. “Yes, that’s it,” he said, hoping he sounded convincing.

Bruce shrugged. “Well, I’m not one to pry,” he said. “As long as you’re not drug smugglers or anything like that, I’m happy to have you onboard.”

Griffin and Karen were relieved that Bruce didn’t ask too many questions about their past. They nodded in agreement to Bruce’s invitation to join them for a quick spin around Guadalcanal. While Bruce gave Griffin and Karen a quick history lesson, Bruce’s mate returned with some beers and snacks, and the group settled in for a relaxing afternoon on the water.

Griffin and Karen were amazed at the beauty of the island and the surrounding waters. They chatted with Bruce and his mate, learning about their deep-sea fishing adventures and the unique marine life in the area.

Karen was lost in thought as the boys chatted about whatever the hell they were chatting about, the sound of the waves lulling her into a trance-like state. Suddenly, a memory surfaced in her mind like it finally connected all the dots, and she shouted, “Bingo!”

“Griffin,” she said, turning to him with a determined look in her eyes and began whispering to him. “I just remembered something. When I was studying abroad in Australia, I learned about a rare plant that grows in the Daintree Rainforest. . It’s said to have mystical healing properties, and the locals call it the ‘Aurorafolia dracaena.’”

Griffin raised an eyebrow. “Interesting. What does it look like?” he asked.

Karen closed her eyes, picturing the plant in her mind. “Based on the stories, it’s a tall tree with broad leaves and bright green flowers that turn fluorescent purple when hit by the sunset. The leaves are said to have a powerful healing effect, and the flowers can be used to make a tea that cures all manner of illnesses.”

Griffin nodded, intrigued. “Hmm… Is it real, do you think we could find it?” he asked.

Karen shrugged. “It’s a long shot, but it’s worth a try. The Daintree Rainforest is massive, but if we can get some help to locate the tree, maybe its healing properties are what we need to complete our formula. It could be our way of making up for all the mistakes we’ve made.”

Griffin smiled at her, his eyes shining with pride along with something else Karen recognized. “You know, Karen. You sound sexy when you start talking about scientific breakthroughs.”

“Stop looking at me like that, we have company,” Karen said, smiling back at him, feeling a renewed sense of purpose. They may have made mistakes in the past, but they were determined to make up for them in spite of the uncertainty. And if they could find the Aurorafolia dracaena, it could make all the difference to their research and rebuilding their lives.

The Devil’s Throat

Griffin and Karen exchanged nervous glances as they approached Bruce, who was now steering the boat towards the mainland. “Hey Bruce,” Griffin said tentatively, “we were wondering if you knew your way around the Daintree Rainforest.”

Bruce raised an eyebrow. “Aye mate, I do. But why on earth would you want to go there? That’s a dangerous place, full of all sorts of critters and snakes.”

Karen spoke up, her voice determined. “We have a research project we’re working on, and we need to find a rare plant that grows in the forest called Aurorafolia dracaena. It’s our only hope at making things right again.”

Bruce looked at them questioningly. “And what kind of research project would that be, mate?” he asked, his accent thickening.

Griffin hesitated for a moment, then decided to take a chance. “We’re trying to find a cure for a disease that’s been ravaging our hometown. It’s a long shot, but we think this plant could hold the key.”

Bruce nodded, his expression serious. “I see. Well, I’m not one to shy away from a challenge. I can take you there, but I won’t lie to you. It won’t be easy. The forest is dangerous, and you’ll need a guide who knows the area well. Lucky for you, no one knows that rainforest better than I do.”

Griffin and Karen breathed a sigh of relief. “Thank you, Bruce. We do feel extremely lucky and grateful we met you, especially under the circumstances.”

Bruce smiled wryly. “Don’t thank me yet, mate. You don’t know what you’re getting yourselves into. But if you’re willing to take the risk, then I’m willing to help you. I was getting bored anyway.”

The Thorny Devil The Adventures of Griffin and Karen - Tour Guide

Griffin and Karen exchanged a determined look, ready for whatever lay ahead. They were willing to do whatever it took to find the Aurorafolia dracaena. And with Bruce’s help, they were one step closer to achieving their goal.

As the boat rocked back and forth in the choppy waters, Griffin, Karen, Bruce, and his mate set out their plans for the expedition.

“Alright, mates,” Bruce said, his Aussie accent thick as he pulled out a map. “I just got off the radio and according to my sources, the Aurorafolia dracaena grows in the heart of the Australian outback, near the Devil’s Throat.”

“The Devil’s Throat?!” Karen exclaimed, her eyes wide. “That sounds ominous.”

Bruce nodded. “Aye, it’s not for the faint-hearted. But with a bit of luck, we’ll be able to find the plant and make it back in one piece.”

Griffin looked skeptical. “What kind of obstacles are we talking about here? We’re not exactly seasoned adventurers.”

Bruce grinned. “That’s why you’ve got me, mate. And my mates here,” he said, gesturing to the two burly men who were on the boat with them.

Into the Unknown

Griffin, Karen, Bruce, and his two mates finally reached mainland Australia, grateful to be on solid ground once again. As they stepped off the boat, Bruce turned to Griffin and Karen with a serious expression on his face.

“Alright, mates. We’ve got a long journey ahead of us. We’ll need to stock up on supplies and gear before we head out into the outback. We’ll also need to find a guide who can take us through Devil’s Throat safely.”

Karen’s eyes widened. “Do you know anyone who can help us?” she asked.

Bruce nodded. “Aye, I know just the man. His name is Jack, and he’s the best guide in the outback. He’s a bit of a wild card, but he knows the land like the back of his hand.”

Griffin looked skeptical. “How are we going to find him?” he asked.

Bruce grinned. “Don’t worry, mate. I’ve got it covered. We’ll head to the nearest town and ask around. We should find Jack in one of the bars there. Simple as that.”

Griffin nodded, feeling a sense of excitement and nervousness building in his chest. They were getting closer to finding the Aurorafolia dracaena, but the journey ahead was going to be tough.

- The Thorny Devil The Adventures of Griffin and Karen - Soulcraze Short Stories - Daintree Rainforest

As they made their way to the nearest town, Bruce and his mates regaled Griffin and Karen with stories of their past adventures in the outback. They talked about the time they faced off against a pack of dingoes, the time they stumbled upon a hidden oasis, and the time they narrowly escaped a raging bushfire.

Griffin and Karen listened intently, feeling a sense of awe and admiration for their new friends. Their adventures sounded like scenes from an Indiana Jones movie.

As they reached the town, Bruce led them to a small pub where he knew Jack liked to hang out. As they walked in, Griffin and Karen were surprised to see a grizzled old man sitting at the bar, nursing a beer.

“Jack!” Bruce called out, his voice booming over the chatter of the pub. “We need your help, mate.”

Jack turned to face them, his eyes scanning their group. “What kind of help?” he asked, his voice gruff and eyes barely open.

“We need someone who knows the outback like the back of their hand,” Bruce explained. “We’re looking for a rare plant, and we need someone who can take us there safely.”

Jack took a swig of his beer, considering their request. “What’s in it for me?” he asked.

Griffin stepped forward, determined to convince him. “We’re willing to pay you, of course. But more than that, we’re looking for someone who can help us make a difference. This plant could hold the key to curing countless diseases. We’re willing to do whatever it takes to find it.”

Jack looked at Griffin for a long moment, then nodded. “Alright, I’ll do it. But the money will do, I’m not a humanitarian. However, you’ll have to follow my lead, and you’ll have to trust me implicitly. The outback is no place for amateurs.”

As they left the pub and made their way to Jack’s truck, Griffin and Karen couldn’t help but feel a sense of excitement building in their chests. They were embarking on a dangerous journey, but it was sure to be an adventure.

As the group trudged through the thick Australian bush, they couldn’t help but feel excited about the adventure ahead. The prospect of finding the Aurorafolia dracaena, a rare plant with mythical healing powers, was too good to pass up.

Bruce led the way, his bushwhacking skills honed from years of exploring the wilderness, with Jack following close behind him directing everyone like the conductor of an orchestra. He seemed to know every tree, every shrub, and every rock, leading the bunch confidently through the rough terrain.

Karen, on the other hand, was more interested in the strange fruits that hung from the trees. “Hey, Bruce, what’s this fruit called?” she asked, pointing to a bright purple fruit that dangled from a nearby branch.

Bruce glanced over his shoulder and frowned. “Oh, that’s the hallucinogenic fruit of the Dreamtime tree,” he said. “You don’t want to eat that.”

But Karen was already reaching for the fruit, her eyes bright with curiosity. “I’ll just have a little taste,” she said, plucking the fruit from the branch.

Griffin rolled his eyes. “Karen, you know what happened the last time you ate something you shouldn’t have,” he reminded her.

Karen shrugged. “I’ll be fine,” she said, taking a second bite of the fruit.

“Very well, this should be interesting,” responded Griffin in a tone of anticipated amusement.

At first, nothing seemed to happen. But as they continued on their journey, Griffin and Bruce noticed Karen’s behavior starting to change. She began to giggle uncontrollably, pointing at imaginary creatures in the bushes and singing to the trees.

“Uh, Karen? You okay there?” Griffin asked, eyeing her warily.

Karen grinned at him. “I feel great! Everything is so…vivid,” she said, her eyes shining.

Bruce shook his head. “We can’t afford any distractions, Karen. We need to focus on finding the plant and leaving the Forest sooner than later.”

“I’m very focused, so much so that I’m sure that we should make a left at that red elephant ahead,” Karen said with bold confidence.

“What red elephant?…” Bruce asked in confusion.

[Griffin lowers his head into his hand in slight amusement.]

Griffin: “Karen, you’re starting to see things that aren’t there. Maybe you should take a break from the fruit.”

Karen: “But Griffin, the trees are dancing! Can’t you see them?”

Griffin: “No, Karen, I can’t. But do let us know if any of those trees start twerking. I have a few singles to get rid of.“

Karen: “Ha! You wish you could see the world like I do, Griffin. It’s a beautiful place.”

Griffin: “I know, Karen, but I prefer to see it without the help of hallucinogens.”

Karen: “You’re just jealous because you can’t keep up with my wild side.”

Griffin: “No, Karen, I’m just worried you’re going to start talking to the snakes next.”

Karen: “Oh, come on, Griffin. The snakes are just misunderstood. They have feelings too, you know.”

Griffin: “I’m sure they do. But I’d rather not get to know them on a personal level.”

Karen: “Suit yourself. I’ll just be over here making friends with the jungle creatures.”

Griffin: “Just don’t forget who’s going to be carrying you back when you can’t walk anymore.”

The Thorny Devil The Adventures of Griffin and Karen - Australian Jungle Cave

Griffin, Karen, Bruce, and his two mates, along with Jack, the expert guide, made their way deep into the Daintree Rainforest. They had been on this adventure for weeks but were finally getting closer to the site of the rare plant they sought.

Their journey was treacherous, with thick foliage, steep hills, and dangerous animals. But they had made their way through it all and approached their goal.

A mere few feet away, the group closed in on what looked to be a massive opening in the side of the mountain, covered by a canopy of vines that hid it from view. “Alright, people. Based on our map, this is the location of the rare plant that we have been searching for,” said Jack with a sense of confidence in his voice.

Griffin and Karen’s hearts raced with anticipation as they pushed aside vines and other large plants leading up to the entrance of the cave, anxious to get their hands on the plant.

As they got closer, they could smell the thick air coming from the cave tinted with a musty scent of decay. With slash after slash from their machetes, the scientists cleared a pathway, advancing side by side with Bruce followed by his men. As they got closer, their eyes began to adjust to the dim lighting of the cave and they could make out damp walls that dripped with moisture, and there was something else in the dark…

“Is it just me, or is there something inside that cave?” Griffin said with cautious curiosity, the hairs on the back of his head standing at attention as if his spidey sense was triggered.

“You’re just being paranoid, Griffin. The shadows can play tricks sometimes,” said Karen, trying to reassure Griffin as they got even closer to the opening.

“Everyone stop!” said Jack in a stern whisper. “No one move.”

“Oh my god, it’s the devil! He found us,” said Karen in shock under her breath.

- The Thorny Devil The Adventures of Griffin and Karen - Giant Lizard

Inside the cave were a set of large eyes that were now open and staring out at them. Slowly, from the dark, emerged a giant lizard making a low growl, its scales glinting in the dim light.

“Holy fuck, this can’t be happening again,” Griffin murmured.

It looked like a Moloch horridus, though this one was much larger than the normal size for this small species, and a lot further east than it should be. This thorny devil appeared to be at least 30 feet long, had large menacing spikes, with a pronounced look of anger and aggression.

It seemed to be guarding the entrance to where the plant was located.

The group froze in fear. They had never seen anything like this before. They knew that they couldn’t outrun the creature or fight it off. They were stuck, with the sun quickly setting, and the plant they had searched for so long within their reach.

Griffin and Karen’s hearts were pounding in their chests. The Thorny Devil seemed to be sizing them up, its eyes locked on their trembling bodies.

“What do we do?” Karen whispered, her voice shaking. “There are two of them.”

Griffin took a deep breath, trying to calm his nerves. “We have to stay calm and quiet. Maybe it won’t attack us if we don’t provoke it.”

“What about the other one?” Karen said with heavy concern in her voice.

“Maybe you should take my hand, Karen. That fruit still hasn’t worn off,” Griffin said, taking Karen’s hand.

Suddenly, the thorny devil let out a monstrous squeal, lunging toward the group as if warning them to stay back.

Griffin and Karen’s hearts raced as they stared at the oversized reptile before them. Bruce and his mates had their weapons drawn, but they knew deep down that their weapons were no match for a creature of this size.

“Everyone stay calm,” Jack shouted, trying to keep the group focused. “We need to find a way past this creature and get to the tree.”

“But how? They’re blocking the entrance!” Karen cried out.

Griffin quickly scanned the area, trying to come up with a plan. “Bruce, is there any way you can distract it with a trap or something?”

Bruce nodded, “I have a smoke bomb that we could use to try and distract it. But we need to move fast before the sun goes down.”

Griffin turned to Jack, “Can you help us figure out a way to get past it while it’s distracted?”

Jack nodded, “Follow me.”

The group quickly followed Jack, keeping their eyes on the creature as they moved. Bruce pulled out his smoke bomb and prepared to throw it as they got closer.

“NOW!” Bruce shouted, throwing the smoke bomb toward the creature.

The creature was momentarily distracted, and the group took their chance to run towards and into the entrance. They could hear the creature’s angry snarls behind them as they rushed toward the opening in the back of the cave where the tree was.

“Almost there! Keep going!” Griffin yelled, urging everyone forward.

They finally made it to the tree, but the smoke from the bomb was beginning to clear and the horned creature was starting to reorient itself towards the cave and to its sole task of ending the existence of its intruders.

They got to the tree in the nick of time as the last bit of light from the sunset made its way into the inner cave oasis, hitting the rare plant which now had bright purple flowers showing all over its outer bark.

Wasting no time, Griffin and Karen picked a few samples of the glowing flower and shoved them into their nap sacks, with Jack looking out at the entrance urging them to hurry.

To Be Continued…

» Exciting Climax Ahead!

Get ready for an adrenaline-pumping ride in “Escape from the Thorny Devil: The Adventures of Griffin & Karen EP 3 Part 2“! After securing the mythical Aurorafolia dracaena in “The Thorny Devil,” our daring duo must outmaneuver the colossal lizard and make a daring escape from the heart of the Daintree Rainforest. With time running out and danger lurking at every corner, will Griffin and Karen finally find redemption, or will their quest end in tragedy? Hold on tight for this heart-stopping finale!

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