This world is like a giant,
Worm-filled onion.
The older I get,
The more I understand,
The harder it is
To fight the urge to cry.
Something I’ve only recently
Learned how to do.
Finding the courage to be completely free,
Letting my emotions bleed through.
Each new layer gives me practice,
And a host of reasons to.

But really, I do wonder—

What the fuck?
What is wrong with you?!
I try to make sense of it,
The why, done by the who.
But the lack of humanity
In humans is… puzzling.
A deficiency completely vile and repulsive.

My heart bleeds with anger.
But beyond that, it just hurts.
It hurts to hear, it hurts to see,
It hurts to know…
There are just no words.
No answers, only more questions.
Why is this happening?
What, as a species, are we missing…

Motivational Source: Libya Slave Trade

Try this Post Next: An Escape

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