Break Me

A tree surrounded by nature, set against a backdrop of a beautiful blue sky.

Go on,
Try to break me…
You throw heavy punches,
That’s for sure.
But I must indeed be a masochist,
Because I wake up every morning
And ask for more,
And I will continue to
You can beat me.
Make me bleed.
Rob me of all my strength
And force me to take a knee
Just to breathe.

But I will never stop,
I will crawl if needs be.
And I will die with a smile,
Before I let you break me.

Keep going even when it’s dark and you’re tired. Even when your body hurts and your heart races- don’t stop. It hurts but that pain won’t last. You’re unsure now, but if you keep searching, you’ll find what you’re looking for. Just don’t stop and don’t let life break you.

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