Across the dark plain
I can see the damaged feet of the countless.
Seared souls stripped raw,
Left tender from walking
Across scorched earth.

We all choose to suffer in silence
Muzzled by the pain
And blinded by the shame
That keeps us from seeing
That right next to us
There is someone else,
Feeling the same.

A kindred who also feels in ruin.
Who wants to stop fighting
But finds the strength to keep moving.
Not knowing where the road leads,
But still not stopping.
Because no matter what,
You have to keep going.
It just shouldn’t-
Don’t ever let it win.

No matter how
Unlike yourself you seem.
How stranded and lost you feel.
There are others just like us
Searching for home.
So I promise you’re not alone.
Reach out and hold on.

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